February 15, 2025

Wellness Sync

Start the Day with a Smile, Finish with Health

Survey: Mental health among college students in KY

Survey: Mental health among college students in KY


Pedestrians walk along Rose Street on the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington, Ky., on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023.

[email protected]

Across the country, concerns about the mental health and emotional wellness of college students are rising, as more students are seeking support, counseling and other resources.

College students in Kentucky are no different.

Multiple national studies show the number of students reporting concerns about their emotional health and tapping into mental health services has been on the rise. The Healthy Minds Study — an annual national survey on student mental health — has shown steady increases in the number of students reporting these concerns, particularly depression and anxiety.

Herald-Leader summer interns are undertaking an in-depth project looking at the reasons behind these increases among college students in the state, and how universities, big and small, are approaching the mental health needs of their students.

The Herald-Leader wants to hear from current or former students who attended a Kentucky college or university about their experience with mental health supports on campus. Did you seek out mental health services? Was the help you needed readily available? What worked? What did not?

We hope you’ll considering sharing your story with us. If so, please complete the survey below.

After filling out this form, you may be contacted by a Herald-Leader reporter about your experience.

If you have questions about this story, or would like to share more of your thoughts or experiences, you can contact Higher Education Reporter Monica Kast at [email protected] or University of Kentucky Healthcare Reporter Kendall Staton at [email protected].

If you are having difficulty accessing the survey, it can also be completed by clicking here.

Reporters Alexis Baker, Ali Costellow, Daniel Kehn, Maggie Phelps and Kendall Staton are contributing to this project and contributed to this survey.

This story was originally published June 7, 2024, 11:05 AM.

Profile Image of Monica Kast

Monica Kast covers higher education for the Herald-Leader and Kentucky.com. Previously, she covered higher education in Tennessee for the Knoxville News Sentinel. She is originally from Louisville, Kentucky, and is a graduate of Western Kentucky University.
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